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sexual temptation


Break the Allure of Sexual Temptation

This week we will talk about breaking the allure of temptation. We will unpack it through the pattern that the enemy uses to tempt us. We can look at our sexual experiences and think that it’s just something that’s before us. But it is actually tempting us. It looks so appealing and harmless. Yet it has this magnetic pull that draws us in. So by talking about the patterns the enemy uses to pull...

Why Sexual Temptation Increases at Christmas – Podcast

As the garland and the lights and the holiday specials and the festivities ramp up, where are you? If you’re feeling temptation take over, you’re not alone. There’s a lot more of just about everything during the holidays. Let’s try to recapture what Jesus has given us. Together, we’ll name 5 things that can distract us from Immanuel. And, we’ll unpack 5 ways to recenter our focus back on our...

Why Sexual Temptation Increases at Christmas (and what you can do about it!)

If you struggle more with sexual temptation during the holidays, you might be surprised, and perhaps relieved, to learn that you are not the only one. Why does temptation increase during the holidays? Busyness increases. This is probably not a surprise, but what you may not have considered is that when your busyness increases, your ability to attend well to your heart, soul, and body decreases...

Podcast: Singleness and Sexual Temptation

Is sex an essential part of human flourishing? How can our needs for intimacy be met as Christian singles? Josh, Kyle, and Bob kick off our series on singleness by discussing these important questions. They also discuss how singles are called to deal with sexual temptation, talking to Jesus about our temptations, and the commonalities of dealing with temptation between singles and married couples...

Facing Temptation: Fostering Sexual Wholeness & Growth

July 18th 2023 #268: Facing Temptation: Fostering Sexual Wholeness & Growth Do you find yourself fleeing or distracting yourself when faced with temptation? This approach may actually be doing more harm than good in your journey towards sexual integrity, wholeness, and maturity. Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts In today’s episode, we...

From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection

October 10th 2023 #38: From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection Ever wondered why you’re caught in a cycle of repeating habits? Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection ()...

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