
Andrea Smithberger


From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection

October 10th 2023 #38: From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection Ever wondered why you’re caught in a cycle of repeating habits? Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: From Quitting to Thriving: A Roadmap to Sexual Integrity and Deep Connection ()...

A Special Oasis Awaits in the Fight Against Porn and Masturbation

October 3rd 2023 #37: A Special Oasis Awaits in the Fight Against Porn and Masturbation Embarking on a transformative journey can be challenging, especially when it involves breaking away from deeply ingrained habits like porn and masturbation addiction. Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: A...

Fighting a Sexual Addiction? Embrace the Exhaustion and the Encouragement

September 16th 2023 #36: Fighting a Sexual Addiction? Embrace the Exhaustion and the Encouragement Imagine embarking on a marathon, not only strapped with your running gear but also with the weight of guilt, shame, and frustration. Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fighting a Sexual Addiction...

Break through: What lies are keeping you from healing?

September 19th 2023 #35: Break through: What lies are keeping you from healing? Have you ever felt bound in lies and shame, just like the bleeding woman in Mark 5?  Embark on a personal journey where I share my own experiences of healing and transformation that took me over 40 years, revealing how Jesus is committed to healing us, providing care, comfort, and connection. Subscribe Apple Podcasts...

Overcoming Stuckness: Navigating the Journey to Sexual Integrity

September 12th 2023 #34: Overcoming Stuckness: Navigating the Journey to Sexual Integrity Ever felt like you’ve hit a wall in your journey towards sexual integrity? It’s a common situation, but not a dead end. In our discussion today, we shed light on the causes of this ‘stuckness’, such as fear, perfectionism, and a culture obsessed with instant gratification. Subscribe...

Finding Rest – A Story, a Practice & an Invitation

September 5th 2023 #33: Finding Rest – A Story, a Practice & an Invitation It’s time we remind ourselves that resting isn’t just permissible – it’s necessary. This episode draws inspiration from the story of Elijah in One Kings 19, demonstrating how even in the midst of exhaustion and pressure, taking a break to rest is vital. Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube...

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