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Women Watch Porn Too


Women watch porn too, and we want you to know you aren’t the only one.  Let’s begin with this truth: You, a woman, are not alone in your pull to pornography. Statistics back this by revealing that 57% of girls ages 14-18 have viewed pornography. That means more than half the girls in high-school are watching porn. 60.2% of women view pornography. So you are not alone. The truth is simple;...

3 Quick and Easy Mental Shifts to Help You Grow


In today’s podcast, I have three simple mental shifts to help you grow. These three simple changes you can make will help you in your journey toward sexual integrity. It is my aim that these small mental adjustments will help you see how you should approach your journey for sexual integrity in a fresh light. Mental Shifts: From “this as an opportunity to sin” to “this as...

We Must Love Ourselves to Love Others


The sacred voice of God calls you beloved. Can you hear it? Shame and rejection may be loud in your day to day. For now, let’s set down our megaphones of criticism. Consider what it would sound like and feel like and look like to embrace your belovedness, and learn that We Must Love Ourselves to Love Others. Let’s get ready. Highlights:Many of us believe that being a good Christian means we focus...

What Do I Do With This Body?


When we’re struggling with unwanted sexual attractions or behaviors, it can feel like we’re struggling against our bodies. But the early Christian church was very careful to recognize that our bodies are not the enemy, and we need to be just as careful.  The incarnation (that God became flesh, that God assumed a human nature and became a man in the form of Jesus Christ.) turned the ancient...

Stop Trying to Stop Lusting


Have you ever wanted to stop something so badly, yet couldn’t figure out how to stop. Or even why? Have you tried to stop lusting? In this weeks podcast, just speaks to the importance of learning to love in recovery from unwanted sexual behavior, rather than just focusing on stopping the behavior. Key takeaways: The goal of recovery should be to learn to love in a self-giving way, rather...

The Definition of Lust


Simple question: When you lust, what are you doing really?  On a surface level, when you lust you’re checking someone out, letting your eyes linger, or enjoying a little hit of pleasure by viewing a sexy image.  On a deeper level, when we’re honest, we can define lust like this: Lust is using another person’s body for selfish sexual gratification.  I like this Definition of Lust...

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