
Intimacy and Identity



The word 'screen' used to denote a partition. Today it's where we search for two of our heart's deepest needs.

Are You a Wanderer, Too?

I prefer to say I’m “on a journey.” But sometimes, that sounds a bit too certain, like I know where I started, where I am, and where and when I’ll arrive. In so many areas of my life, I don’t know any of these things. I’m wandering. As a father, there are times I feel like I’m reaching for an internal “dad” map that’s missing long stretches of road. Did I miss a turn back there? When my temper...

Wandering Home

We long for one who sees, one for whom our condition matters not because it defines us, but because it distorts who He knows us to be. And One who can make what He sees true in our lives.

What Lies Beneath

I was recently given the daunting task to give a comprehensive lecture on the topic of sex within one hour. How could I possibly do justice to this topic in such a short amount of time? Of course I knew to seek the Lord’s leading on how to best face this challenge and was shown that I should not focus on surface behaviors.  There were deeper issues to be addressed and as I pondered what to...

What Lies Beneath (cont’d)

Intimacy (In-to-me-see) There were no masks, posing, or facades between Adam and Eve before the brokenness of sin entered the world.  This is hard for us to imagine.  Adam and Eve’s exterior and interior were naked and unashamed.  They could intuit each other’s humanity.  They could see the real in each other.  They saw into each other’s depths. How wonderful to have nothing to hide, no diseased...

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