


The Fruit of a Tree and Sexual Brokenness

You’ve probably heard it said here before that breaking a habit of unwanted sexual behaviors goes beyond “Behavior Management.” Setting up filters or throwing away devices might eliminate the cues to your addiction, but it still leaves you exposed. There’s deeper work to be done. Ultimately, to change your behavior you need to understand the why’s to your behavior. The actions you choose are...

Powerful Partnership: Do’s and Don’ts

The term “Accountability Partner” can carry a high cringe factor.  Yes, they are meant for good – offering space to confess to one another, to pray with one another, to hope for the best for each other.But, if not handled well, Accountability Partners can cause more harm than good.The enemy would love nothing more than for you and your partner to focus on your behavior, smother you in shame...

Your Story and Your Sexual Integrity

Your life tells a story. And you are the main character. But what if you’re battling an ongoing porn addiction, unwanted same sex attraction or can’t stop hooking up? This is where an understanding of who you are meant to be and the story your life can tell is powerful. If Satan has taken over as the role of co-author, you are believing a false storyline. Don’t let his whispers sabotage the...

Pursuing Sexual Integrity

As you do the work of pursuing sexual integrity, cultural messages keep watering down God’s heart for you as His creation. So, let’s pause for a deeper sense of what it means to be a man or to be a woman. Both the mystery and the glory of being man or being woman have been lost in our society. Christ is inviting you to stop and consider the creation story, the very beginning. You and I were...

Sexual Integrity Is Sexed Integrity

When was the last time you thought of your biological sex—your manhood or womanhood—as a gift? When I was in college, in the throes of my habitual unwanted sexual behaviors, I remember hearing a pastor teach that integrity means acting like the same person wherever you are, whether at church on a Sunday morning, at work on Monday, or alone in front of your computer on a Saturday night. I get what...

Sexual Integrity and Emotional Health

If you want sexual integrity, you’ve got to become more emotionally healthy. For many people who wrestle with habitual unwanted sexual behaviors, it can come as a surprise that the journey toward sexual integrity is one wrought with emotion. But it’s true. When I first came to Regeneration years ago, I remember telling the man who led my small group something like, “I’ve got work to do for the...

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