Did your parents give you “The Talk”? If not, you might be comforted to know that only about 5% of the parents I talk to say their parents ever talked with them about sex. My parents were divorced when I was very young, and just as they had different religious beliefs, I’m certain they had different ideas about the best way to parent us around topics of sexuality. My dad had a more permissive...
7 Things Not to Do When Your Child’s Exposed to Porn
We love the innocence of little children. They see the world through fresh eyes, laugh easily, dance without feeling embarrassed. Being around them even helps us to see the world differently. Many summers ago, a little girl was visiting our family and playing outside when it started to rain. Hard. We all ran for shelter. As we stood staring out at the pouring rain, I wondered how disappointed the...
Why Parents Are Better Than the Internet
It’s time you face it: The internet has you beat when it comes to conversations with your kids about romance, dating, and sex. I’m not suggesting you throw your hands up and walk away, but every good parent needs to know what they’re up against, and well, when it comes to sex, the internet is really tough competition. Your kids will never catch the Internet at a bad time.YouTube doesn’t get too...
Guiding Your Kids Through a Pornographic World
My coauthor, Daniel Weiss, and I, were on Focus on the Family’s broadcast on Monday. If you don’t know this broadcast, it is listened to by over 6 million listeners a week. I did the math: That’s about 5.999 million more people than I’ve spoken to even on one of my best weeks. But that’s not why the interview was important. It actually has nothing to do with me. I’m a parent like every other...
4 Reasons You Don’t Want to Talk about Sex (but Should)
If aliens from outer space were to observe earth, they might get the impression that the world is obsessed with sex…and that Christians don’t even know it exists. Why is sex such a difficult topic for so many Christians to talk about? I think there are several reasons, some better than others, all understandable, but none good enough to remain silent. Let’s start with why we don’t want to talk...
What’s Your Vision of Sexuality?
We are adrift in a hazy darkness when it comes to human sexuality. Strange wisps of alluring smoke fills our nostrils and colors our eyes. Humanity is drunk with the wine of Babylon and the Spirit of God in the saints groans with longing. “You can’t really expect a single person to abstain from sex. It isn’t natural.” “I’m ashamed about what I’ve been doing, but I can’t imagine never doing...