


Kids and Online Access

“Why Can’t You Just Trust Me?”  The question came from Sam, Jeff and Jenna’s 16-year-old daughter.  Jeff was first exposed to pornography online when he was younger than Sam. He was on his family’s desktop, looking up something for school. He came across an ad for one of his favorite games and clicked on it, only it didn’t take him to the game as he’d expected. It opened a tab to a site...

What’s Your Story?

You have a story. And, your story holds power. Once you unlock the truth written in your story, you could unlock yourself from cycles of bad habits, bad relationships, and more. If this idea feels overwhelming, listen in as we take the process one line at a time, one chapter at a time.  So, what is your story? Grab a pen and paper. Take a deep breath. And, let’s begin. can’t be loaded...

Why Parents Should Skip the Sex Talk

Did your parents give you “The Talk”? If not, you might be comforted to know that only about 5% of the parents I talk to say their parents ever talked with them about sex. My parents were divorced when I was very young, and just as they had different religious beliefs, I’m certain they had different ideas about the best way to parent us around topics of sexuality. My dad had a more permissive...

Rethinking “THE” Talk

“The talk.” These two small words hold big power! If you’ve been putting off having the sex talk with your kids because it feels overwhelming; we’re easing the load things up for you. What if you could break apart the rehearsed, rushed monologue into a sprinkling of smaller question & answer sessions? If you just felt your shoulders relax, you’re in the right place. On this episode of “Sacred...

7 Things Not to Do When Your Child’s Exposed to Porn

We love the innocence of little children. They see the world through fresh eyes, laugh easily, dance without feeling embarrassed. Being around them even helps us to see the world differently. Many summers ago, a little girl was visiting our family and playing outside when it started to rain. Hard. We all ran for shelter. As we stood staring out at the pouring rain, I wondered how disappointed the...

Why Parents Are Better Than the Internet

It’s time you face it: The internet has you beat when it comes to conversations with your kids about romance, dating, and sex. I’m not suggesting you throw your hands up and walk away, but every good parent needs to know what they’re up against, and well, when it comes to sex, the internet is really tough competition. Your kids will never catch the Internet at a bad time.YouTube doesn’t get too...

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