


Using Your Imagination for Fantasy or Faith

In Genesis when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and there was adelight to the eyes, and the tree was to be desired to make one wise she took of its fruit and ate. What did she see? The enemy when he tempts us wants us to see something. But the truth is, what he wants us to see is not reality. She saw something that wasn’t actually there. And the enemy does the same thing to us. He...

Accountability and Integrity

At the core of every sexual integrity problem is relational brokenness. Because God created sex to be relational, it is relational down to its core. And so if you are dealing with a sexual issue, you are dealing with a relational issue. What is a partner or group for accountability? It’s a certain kind of connection. As a result, if you have a relational brokenness in your life, you may...

The Why Behind the What

If you are wrestling with unwanted sexual behaviors or recurring sexual behaviors, and want to get free, you have to know the why behind the what? What is the why, behind your specific what? So for example, if you struggle with pornography, and you’re typically looking for a certain kind or genre, types of people, gender, or specific sexual acts in the pornography? What’s the why...

Why It’s Not a Good Idea to Talk About Sex in Church

There are just things you don’t talk about at church, right? Absolutely not! I think the church is meant to be a place where we talk about the things that are really the most difficult to talk about in life. If we can’t do that in our church community, where will we do it? Certainly, one of those topics is sex. Both in its beautiful, glorious holy intention that God designed sex to be...

Break the Allure of Sexual Temptation

This week we will talk about breaking the allure of temptation. We will unpack it through the pattern that the enemy uses to tempt us. We can look at our sexual experiences and think that it’s just something that’s before us. But it is actually tempting us. It looks so appealing and harmless. Yet it has this magnetic pull that draws us in. So by talking about the patterns the enemy uses to pull...

My Relationship With God and My Sexual Sins

This week we will be responding to a question from one our listeners. “How does someone deal with doubts about identity in Christ while struggling with sexual addiction?” There is something about sin in general when it’s habitual and repetitive. When we experience in our bodies that conflict that we do what we don’t want to do, and we keep on doing it. It’s hard to believe that...

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