


Did She Cause You to Sin?

Let’s start with Adam. God went into the garden and asked him a question. Adam pointed to Eve in shame. Are you pointing fingers when it comes to your lust? Are you pointing to the pop up ad? To the woman at the bar? As you are trying to break free from lust, consider what it could look like for you to stop accusing others around you and start acknowledging what’s within you. You are designed out...

The Tension of Beauty

Beauty carries a powerful tension. Seeing beauty isn’t enough. C.S. Lewis writes that “We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words — to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.” Beauty leads us to wanting more of it.A...

Why Parents Are Better Than the Internet

It’s time you face it: The internet has you beat when it comes to conversations with your kids about romance, dating, and sex. I’m not suggesting you throw your hands up and walk away, but every good parent needs to know what they’re up against, and well, when it comes to sex, the internet is really tough competition. Your kids will never catch the Internet at a bad time.YouTube doesn’t get too...

3 Steps to Navigating Temptation

Zion put it well when sharing with his therapist, “If I’m honest, sometimes temptation feels so strong, I don’t even want to resist. I just want it to let it wash over me and carry me wherever it wants to go.” Temptation—perhaps especially sexual temptation—can be immensely powerful. So much so, it can be difficult to even want to resist. If you have a pattern of habitual unwanted sexual...


There is a serious challenge facing Christians who struggle with same-sex attractions or gender confusion in our day. Whether or not these are issues for you personally, for the sake of our brothers and sisters who do, read on. A few years ago, I read an article about a man I know who left his gay identity and gay relationships because of his Christian convictions. The article outlined how he got...

Increase Motivation with Just One Word

In your pursuit of change, how’s your motivation level?   For many who are trying unsuccessfully to leave unwanted sexual behaviors, low motivation is a significant problem. So how can you increase how motivated you are?   With just one word.   To discover if this one word can help you, you first need to ask yourself why you’re trying to change.   Why are you...

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