


Focus On the Cross


In your journey towards sexual integrity, it matters what you’re looking at, it matters what you’re looking for. Focus on the Cross! In this episode, we hope to encourage you to fix your focus on the Cross. As you’re doing the work to become whole, to break old patterns, to make new choices; set your eyes on Jesus on the Cross. Don’t let shame or hopelessness take your eyes off the Salvation...

Identity and Orientation Part 2


Let’s continue the conversation on Identity and Sexual Orientation. This matters because becoming whole includes radical change for our sexual orientation. But, we live in a sexually confused world, one that has decided on its own words and definitions.In this episode, Josh offers more on the topic through a Christian lens.  We’re diving deeper into Sexual Orientation, the concept of...

The Not-So-Subtle Indicator of Sexual Orientation


I was watching a show a few years ago in which one of the main characters was questioning his sexuality. Sheepishly, he asked a friend how he could know if he was gay. His friend responded that if he really didn’t know, he should have sex with a man to see if he likes it. It’s widely accepted in our age that what defines your sexual orientation is what feels good or right to you. If you’re a man...

Identity and Orientation Part 1


We’re looking at Sexual Orientation in a special two-part series. If this feels personal, that’s okay. It’s important to recognize that sexual orientation is quite personal. But, the world has laid out it’s terms and it’s ideals for what sexual orientation means. Our culture tells us who we’re attracted to in fact, defines us. In this series, we’ll be discussing the cultural conversation set up...

Did Jesus Talk about Sexual Orientation?


In Christian circles, when we talk about sexual orientation, we’re usually talking about same-sex attractions. This is certainly a sensitive and hot-button topic today so it makes sense. Maybe you’re concerned about a Christian loved one who is experiencing same-sex attraction, or maybe same-sex attraction is something you deal with yourself. Either way, would it help you to know that every time...

Be Curious About What You Feel


Too many people who struggle to overcome habitual pornography use believe that marriage will solve their problem. “Once I get married,” the reasoning goes, “I’ll have a God-given way to enjoy sex, so I won’t need porn anymore.” But in nearly every case, those who go into marriage hoping that an ongoing problem with pornography (or other unwanted sexual behaviors) will disappear once they’re...

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