


Single: More than Un-Married

Single: More than Un-Married Within the church, it may feel like being married is the goal. While being single is reduced to being un-married. Checking one box and not another can lead to resentment. Within the church, there can and should be a way to bring all of our gifts together.  “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one...

A Single Man’s Observations for Those in Quarantine

“Jesus changes our history from a random series of sad incidents and accidents into a constant opportunity for a change of heart.” from Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life by Henri J.M. Nouwen I consider myself to be an extroverted introvert. Translation: I enjoy being in the company of others, but also decidedly cherish my time alone. Upon entering my home, I embrace...

Podcast: Singleness, Sex, and the Church: A Conversation Everyone Needs to Hear.

Join Josh and Kit as they discuss Singleness, Sex, and the Church with special guest Connally Gilliam. Highlights: …sex is the god of our culture… …what about this bigger story!?!… …what if I die celibate, would I have lost out on anything?,… Guests: Connally Gilliam Click for Full Podcast Transcription Josh 0:28We are truly grateful to have Kylie Gillam on our podcast today she serves as the US...

Intimacy and Singleness (Yes, You Can Have Both!)

The scene is familiar to many of us singles: sitting in church on a Sunday, hearing more about the wonderful gift of marriage and the intimate connection it offers. It’s easy to feel deprived or lesser than, like we’re waiting for the day God will finally give us a taste of that intimacy we see married couples experience. We long for that intimacy, we hunger for it–yet it can seem so...

Netflix vs. Jesus

If there were a battle between Netflix and Jesus, who would win? I think it depends on what we’re expecting God to be and do for us. God’s not a vending machine. There’s no “on-demand” feature with Him, even if I’m willing to pay extra to expedite my order. The pace of culture has gotten exponentially faster. I want satisfaction and I want it now. God’s never seemed to operate on our preferred...

Podcast: It’s Important to Fight Fair

Episode 72 – It’s Important to Fight Fair Join Josh and kit as they discuss why it’s important to fight and especially to fight fair. Highlights: arguing does NOT mean failure working towards restoring the relationship is what matters when you sincerely listen to someone, that’s a gift. Mentioned: John Gottman – The Four Horsemen
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