Thank YOU for being a part of this ministry in 2016! Chances are you know someone who’s been helped by Regeneration. Where would that person or that family be today if not for God working through people like YOU to make this ministry possible?
With this in mind, would you help us raise $32,000 by the end of December? Your gift today makes sure that Regeneration’s newest offerings to families and young adults continue in 2017!
Through your help, God has been expanding Regeneration and what we’re bringing to men and women, moms and dads, and young men and young women. Would you give a special year-end gift to Regeneration so we can continue what the Lord’s begun?
Help us reach our final $32,000 goal by the end of December with a gift of any size today.
In the past 12 months specifically, we’ve…
- Brought life-giving truth about sex and sexuality to over 300 high-school and college-aged young men and women (at no cost to them!).
- Created a brand new in-depth program called Path through the Wilderness for all who struggle in this sexually and relationally confused and quickly-changing culture. (Bob Ragan, the author, has been hearing from several ministry leaders around the country interested in this resource.)
- Completed the first phase of a book co-authored with Daniel Weiss helping parents walk with their kids through a pornographic culture.
- Provided conferences and counsel for over 150 parents!
- And granted over $30,000 in scholarships to those needing our services who couldn’t otherwise afford them.
Would you help us build on each of these to bring more Christ-centered truth and healing to those who desperately need this help? And so many do! Please help us reach this year-end financial goal so these new ministry offerings can continue, and not only continue but grow!
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support! We are incredibly grateful and will keep you updated!
Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can be praying for you in any way.
Josh Glaser
Executive Director