Your giving changes lives, forever.
Your financial partnership provides Christ-centered, clinically-sound support to men, women, and families who are wrestling with some of the most sensitive areas of life.
Thank you!
Would you consider a special gift today to help us reach more people in need?
Fund a one-month scholarship for a man or woman joining a Regen group to grow in sexual integrity.

For a $100 Donation
Fund a five-minute YouTube video for moms and dads working to shepherd their kids in a sexually-saturated, digitally connected culture.

For a $200 Donation
Fund one episode of Sacred by Design, our podcast discussing some of the most intimate and important questions women are facing today.

For a $350 Donation
Fund ten coaching scholarships for men and women in need of one-to-one care.

For a $1000 Donation
Fund ten coaching scholarships for couples recovering from marital infidelity.

For a $2000 Donation
Fund a series of videos on overcoming lust for men or women.

For a $1000 Donation
To set up a gift of stock, bonds, or mutual funds, please contact Carol at [email protected]. You may mail checks to P.O. Box 9830 Baltimore, MD 21284-9830.
Your Giving Makes Regeneration Possible

Regeneration is reaching around the world.
Your partnership provides Christ-centered, biblically-sound hope to those seeking sexual wholeness around the globe.

Coaching continues to grow Online & Off
With your help, no one is ever turned away from Regeneration for financial reasons.
Ready to become a ministry partner?
Help men and women everywhere learn to walk in sexual and relational wholeness.
Change Someone’s Story Today
Look at the difference you make.
I am so grateful for your investment in this crucial ministry that helps men gain freedom from such a destructive behavior. Your generosity makes it possible for men to freely and seriously commit to their recovery without the fear or hesitancy that may be impeding them due to financial limitations. This will benefit not only themselves but also their families and everyone who is involved in their lives, since this issue affects so many people in addition to the one who is struggling. Your contribution to this ministry is a contribution to the health of the Church and society as a whole, in addition to the health of individual persons and their souls. Thank you so much.

ClientWow. I’m so thankful that God has lead me to this ministry. I have been fighting same-sex attraction since I was little and have finally come to the point where I don’t want to just forget about it but I also don’t want to just try and pull myself up by my boot straps to combat it. I know that what I need is JESUS. I also know that He can free me from this bondage which is a new thing He has reveled to me that I cannot wait for. But I know that if I try and fix it on my own, the deep root of the issue will never go away and I will continue to get frustrated.

ClientAnother pivotal moment in my walk with Jesus was when my coach introduced me to learn how to hear the Voice of God and be able to speak with Him in constant conversation. When I tell you, this is by far the best gift that I have ever received. Being able to ask my Papa which restaurant He wants us to go to, or which dress He likes best? I say through tears that this is the deepest intimacy I have ever experienced and will carry this for as long as I live. I don’t always have the money to pay for sessions, but it is through your generosity that I am able to engage with people who know how to help me heal from the inside out. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. May the Lord bless you and keep you! May His Face shine upon you forever and ever, Amen!

ClientPlease mail checks to P.O. Box 9830 Baltimore, MD 21284-9830.