April 12, 2019
6:00 pm
9:00 pm

FORGE | Restoring Sexual Integrity (2019)
For men ages 18-25ish
Our second annual FORGE event will provide Chick-fil-A dinner and be completely free with limited seats available!
In our sex saturated culture, men have lost vision of what it means to be men of sexual integrity in Christ. This year we will continue our deep and vulnerable discussions on what it looks like to be men who fight to walk with Jesus, particularly getting after the practical aspects of desire, Christian spirituality, and male community. We hope to leave men with a clear sense of their Christian male sexuality, and with practical steps to take to move towards deeper intimacy with Jesus.
Our speakers this year include Pat Goodman (Grace Fellowship Church), Mark Stephenson (Horizon Church Towson), and Josh Glaser (Director of Regeneration). Join us as we come together to invite our Father to continue to forge us into men of His likeness!
“He who forms the mountains … the LORD God Almighty is his name.” Amos 4:13