Resurrection Power


It’s been a few weeks since we have celebrated the resurrection of our Savior Jesus. Luke’s gospel account of this event has always stood out to me. He recounts the exchange Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary had with two angels when they went to look for the body of Jesus at the tomb. They asked these women a simple but profound question, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”  

This time of stay-at-home orders and social distancing has caused me to reflect on the power of the resurrection and what it means for me personally.  I have asked myself the question, “In light of the resurrection of Jesus, am I still looking for life among dead things?” Isolation and the inability to connect with others face-to-face can be the perfect recipe for prodding me to walk among the tombs of porn, shopping, overeating, reading erotic literature, bingeing programs on a myriad of streaming services, and fostering emotionally dependent relationships via social media just so I can feel fulfilled. But, there is no getting around the fact that dead stuff can’t give you life.

So, how can I stay away from the death in the graveyard and walk in the light of life?  The truth of God’s word is the best place to start. 

Today I read Galatians 2:20 which I’ve seen and quoted countless times.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20).

This is the first time I connected this verse to the resurrection power of Christ. His resurrection conquered death, and as my Savior, He lives in me. I don’t go to the tombs alone. I take Jesus with me. As I walk from headstone to headstone, He lovingly bids me to resist digging up the ground and opening the coffins. Instead, He wants me to stop and look at the date of death listed on the headstone. The day I became a believer, everything I turned to for false intimacy died. Jesus leads me out of the graveyard to unlimited access to the abundant life He promised. Resurrection power allows me to stay away from the tombs and live in the compassionate, loving, unfailing love of Christ.

In what ways has the COVID-19 crisis tempted you to look for life among dead things?


Daughter of the King,


Thanks For Reading.

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  • So cool – I started reading this and the song that came on at the same time was Ain’t No Grave, reworked by Bethel Music. “If you (Jesus) walked out of the grave, I’m walking, too! Ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down!” Definitely God. Thank you for the encouragement!

  • Thank you, Daughter of the King, for your inspiring word. I want to live! To leave the tombs behind.

  • Thanks Kyle! Great article and one to meditate on especially during this Pandemic.I’m certainly guilty of food for comfort.And being reminded when I went for my walk this morning,the many distractions of walking in the park.A disciplined mind helps with God’s truth for sure.Thanks again and God bless.

    • Thank you Paul! May the Lord continue to reveal His truth to you as you meditate on the resurrection power of Jesus.

    • Thank you for your encouraging words EW! I pray you continue to experience the resurrection power of the cross as you journey with Jesus.

    • Isn’t it a blessing to see things from the Master’s perspective? Blessings to you Deborah!

  • A good question indeed !
    Like Jeremaiah 2v13, we forsake The Living Water and turn to ” broken cisterns “

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