


Singleness and Dealing with Loneliness

Josh, Kyle, and Bob continue our series on Singleness by diving into identity and the way single people see themselves. They encourage singles to dive into faulty views that aren’t from God about identity, especially in the reality of loneliness. Singles to seek out Jesus and others and allow God to work in the ache of loneliness without wallowing in it. Click for Full Podcast Transcription Josh...

Table for One

Loneliness is rampant. And people everywhere point to this loneliness as reason to reject or rewrite Christianity’s teachings on marriage, sex, and gender.


I’ve been noticing a crazy idea floating around in my head and heart. It’s one of those ideas that’s gone on undetected and unchallenged, like background noise that’s so familiar you don’t notice it until someone points it out to you. It goes something like this: The better you are, the less you need others. Once you’ve earned your diploma, you stop going to classes. The stronger you are, the...

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