



The word 'screen' used to denote a partition. Today it's where we search for two of our heart's deepest needs.

Lights Up

The specific sins from which we’re saved can become holy embers from which His light burns brightest in our lives. How can men and women in darkness know the Savior He is unless they hear of the strong, dark giants from which He has saved us?

Wandering Home

We long for one who sees, one for whom our condition matters not because it defines us, but because it distorts who He knows us to be. And One who can make what He sees true in our lives.

Merciful Refusal

Too many people have the unfortunate problem of managing quite nicely. Quite nicely is nice when all things are well, but when there’s a secret moral failure, a destructive pattern, a relational problem, or a long-buried wound, managing quite nicely is a problem. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s a silent misery. As a 19 year old Christian college student, I was harboring secret sexual sins...

Tags and Titles

Not all of us carry a business card in a wallet or wear a nametag on our shirt. But every one of us carries one or more titles that shape our lives. Some are clearly negative: Failure, Ugly, Coward, Fag, Unwanted, Unloved. Others may sound pretty good: College Grad, Pastor, Leader, Successful, Sexy. Whatever the titles you carry, they have power. Just like other agreements we make, a title...

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Sacred By Design Retreat

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