


Podcast: An Interview with Drew Berryessa

Join Josh as he speaks with Drew Berryessa about his journey through SSA into freedom and healing. Highlights: when I finally confessed, my struggles, my sin, my failure… ..there was no opportunity to talk about my struggle without feeling condemned and those are both schemes of the enemy, to isolate us from God and his people and all of God’s provision… Guests: Drew Berryessa Mentions: Are We...

The Healing Power of Confession

Confession is an amazing gift given to us by God, particularly because of the healing we experience through it. We’re especially blessed by the simplicity of confession: just come to Jesus and tell Him what you’ve done. Don’t try to minimize the sin by explaining it or excusing it. You don’t need to give God a reason to forgive you. Forgiveness was His idea, not yours. “If we confess our sins, He...

Courage to Say

If you watch how my wife and I respond when our kids fess up to something they did wrong, you might think we just watched them hit a home run. God's this way, too. Here's why.

As Is

Christians who want to do right can be too quick to criticize themselves. And in so doing, they can work against the change want most.

Lights Up

The specific sins from which we’re saved can become holy embers from which His light burns brightest in our lives. How can men and women in darkness know the Savior He is unless they hear of the strong, dark giants from which He has saved us?

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