



It’s Holy Week. This is no time to be timid. It’s time to long. To groan. To ache. To mourn. To hunger. Most of the time, I live life too timidly, with tempered desire. Why this resistance to longing, hungering, desiring? For one, desire feels dangerous. If I tap into my longings, won’t I be tempted to indulge in those familiar sins that could wreck me like they have before? When I give desire...


Maybe when it’s all said and done, this is why I follow Jesus—why I’m a Christian. Because Jesus came in the flesh, died and rose in the flesh, ascended in the flesh, and will return for us in the flesh. Because underneath so much of my trying, I’m a little boy whispering, “Will you hold me? I love it in your arms.

As Is

Christians who want to do right can be too quick to criticize themselves. And in so doing, they can work against the change want most.

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