#300: Go toward the Miracle Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts As we gather to honor a significant landmark, our 300th episode, I’m filled with gratitude for you, our loyal listeners, whose footsteps have journeyed alongside mine in this quest of faith and healing. Today’s episode centers on the inspiring account of Jairus from...
When Do I Disclose My Struggles to Someone I’m Dating
#299: When Do I Disclose My Struggles to Someone I’m Dating Subscribe Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Channel Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts ✋ If you enjoyed this episode of Becoming Whole, please head over to Apple Podcasts, leave a rating, write a review, and subscribe. Episode Resources: Regen on YouTube What We Do DID YOU ENJOY THIS PODCAST?PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON Apple...
Podcast: Bored and Tempted
Bored and Tempted. Join Josh and Kit as they discuss boredom and temptation, and all of the practical ways we can go to something meaningful in those times. Highlights: …why does boredom turn into “I need to be stimulated, distracted, aroused, as opposed to rest or this thing I want to accomplish?”… …I feel more alive than I have in years because it’s hard… Click for Full Podcast Transcription...
Fear and Baseball
Fear acts like a friend, making promises, but taking prisoners.
Shame and Stones
You would think me bitter if I told you I would gladly trade places with him, the man. Although they’d stormed in on both of us, it was me they took, me they blamed, while he cowered in the corner next to my bed. But I am not bitter. I pray for him, and his wife, his children, and now his grandchildren, too. He has all and yet, I’m afraid, nothing. I would trade him places that he could have the...
Merciful Refusal
Too many people have the unfortunate problem of managing quite nicely. Quite nicely is nice when all things are well, but when there’s a secret moral failure, a destructive pattern, a relational problem, or a long-buried wound, managing quite nicely is a problem. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s a silent misery. As a 19 year old Christian college student, I was harboring secret sexual sins...