Confession is an amazing gift given to us by God, particularly because of the healing we experience through it. We’re especially blessed by the simplicity of confession: just come to Jesus and tell Him what you’ve done. Don’t try to minimize the sin by explaining it or excusing it. You don’t need to give God a reason to forgive you. Forgiveness was His idea, not yours. “If we confess our sins, He...
Shame and Stones
You would think me bitter if I told you I would gladly trade places with him, the man. Although they’d stormed in on both of us, it was me they took, me they blamed, while he cowered in the corner next to my bed. But I am not bitter. I pray for him, and his wife, his children, and now his grandchildren, too. He has all and yet, I’m afraid, nothing. I would trade him places that he could have the...
Tail on Fire
Like a cat with its tail on fire, we run thinking it’s a matter of self-preservation. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Confession can be risky. But God doesn’t want to shame us. He wants restored relationship with us and between us.
Agreements have power to hold us, move us, and shape our lives. Some need to be broken.
Gold for Stones
The good news doesn’t start with people as sinners with whom God is angry. It starts in the beginning. And if we miss this, the good news will fail to be good news. In the beginning, God made man and woman to be the Imago Dei—the image of God on the earth. By God’s design, all of creation recognized them with joyful awe. They were the ones the Creator had joyfully made like Himself. Or as John...