


In the Name of Love

When the Supreme Court announced its 5 – 4 decision a little over a week ago to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states, news and social media sites lit up with celebrations in the name of love. I felt sorrow. I know many of you did, too. Our sorrow may confuse or even infuriate those who know us. How can you, followers of a loving God, not celebrate when men and women across the country are...


It makes sense why we find ourselves drawn to stories, movies, and songs about a nobody who becomes someone spectacular.

Not Yet

Doesn’t humility demand we accept that some things will never change? Something does, but not humility.

Lights Up

The specific sins from which we’re saved can become holy embers from which His light burns brightest in our lives. How can men and women in darkness know the Savior He is unless they hear of the strong, dark giants from which He has saved us?

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