



There is a serious challenge facing Christians who struggle with same-sex attractions or gender confusion in our day. Whether or not these are issues for you personally, for the sake of our brothers and sisters who do, read on. A few years ago, I read an article about a man I know who left his gay identity and gay relationships because of his Christian convictions. The article outlined how he got...

Increase Motivation with Just One Word

In your pursuit of change, how’s your motivation level?   For many who are trying unsuccessfully to leave unwanted sexual behaviors, low motivation is a significant problem. So how can you increase how motivated you are?   With just one word.   To discover if this one word can help you, you first need to ask yourself why you’re trying to change.   Why are you...

Podcast: An Interview with Drew Berryessa

Join Josh as he speaks with Drew Berryessa about his journey through SSA into freedom and healing. Highlights: when I finally confessed, my struggles, my sin, my failure… ..there was no opportunity to talk about my struggle without feeling condemned and those are both schemes of the enemy, to isolate us from God and his people and all of God’s provision… Guests: Drew Berryessa Mentions: Are We...

Does Jesus Change Sexual Orientation?

Jesus can change homosexually-attracted men and women. Change is multi-faceted and there’s a lot more to how this happens and what this means than this blog will cover, but we know the reality of change based on the authority of Scripture, the historical teachings of the Church, and the testimonies of those who have experienced changes in their behavior, their sense of identity, and...

Will I Ever Be Free?

By all means, hope, pray, and seek freedom from temptations. And be smart to avoid temptations that you can. But do not be discouraged at internal temptations that persist. Remember, the pinnacle of Christ’s ministry, the summit of His love for you was demonstrated not on a cruise but on a cross.

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