


Navigating the Journey of Recovery Together


Communication is key in any relationship, but it becomes even more crucial in the context of recovery from sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. In this guide, we will explore the importance of healthy check-ins and effective communication in the journey toward healing and rebuilding trust in a marriage after betrayal. The Importance of Check-Ins in Recovery Effective communication in a...

Intimacy and Singleness (Yes, You Can Have Both!)


The scene is familiar to many of us singles: sitting in church on a Sunday, hearing more about the wonderful gift of marriage and the intimate connection it offers. It’s easy to feel deprived or lesser than, like we’re waiting for the day God will finally give us a taste of that intimacy we see married couples experience. We long for that intimacy, we hunger for it–yet it can seem so...

As Is


Christians who want to do right can be too quick to criticize themselves. And in so doing, they can work against the change want most.

What Lies Beneath


I was recently given the daunting task to give a comprehensive lecture on the topic of sex within one hour. How could I possibly do justice to this topic in such a short amount of time? Of course I knew to seek the Lord’s leading on how to best face this challenge and was shown that I should not focus on surface behaviors.  There were deeper issues to be addressed and as I pondered what to...



More than any other time in the history of the world, we have an incredible capacity to share our lives with others. But are we losing something?

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