
josh glaser


Now What?

Tuesday, Maryland and Maine became the first two states in the U.S. to legalize homosexual marriage by a vote of the people. I’m among the 48% of Marylanders who voted against same-sex marriage, and today I’m grieving. Rightly so. If you feel the same sadness, you might be tempted, as many are right now, to focus on what went wrong, to blame, to complain. There’s a better response. Let the eyes...


I remember as a teenager taking a corner too fast on a snowy road in my step-dad’s car. The car spun out of control and slammed into the side of the street. My brother got out to assess the damage while I sat anxiously inside. Through the front windshield I read his lips: “You’re dead.” Sometimes life’s like this. We hit an icy stretch, we mess up, and we long to hear from a loving Father...

The Legacy of Alan Medinger

by Josh Glaser, Executive Director There are few occasions in life that compel us to stop and consider—really consider—the brief life we’re living. Am I living my life well? Of all that I spend my time doing, how much is really making a difference for good in others’ lives? How much of what I’ve done is weighty enough to last through this age and into the age to come? Do I love like Jesus...

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