



It makes sense why we find ourselves drawn to stories, movies, and songs about a nobody who becomes someone spectacular.

What Lies Beneath

I was recently given the daunting task to give a comprehensive lecture on the topic of sex within one hour. How could I possibly do justice to this topic in such a short amount of time? Of course I knew to seek the Lord’s leading on how to best face this challenge and was shown that I should not focus on surface behaviors.  There were deeper issues to be addressed and as I pondered what to...

You’re Not Digital

Think back over your life in the past three months. What were your most meaningful moments? With the possible exception of a Skype or Face Time call with a far-away loved one, I’m guessing those moments weren’t in front of a screen. And yet, as Americans we’re spending more and more time plugged into electronic media. So are our kids. What are we looking for? Our eyes peer intently at screens as...

Restoring Trust

For couples who have experienced marital unfaithfulness, before their relationship can move forward, they must first deal with the breach of trust.

Table for One

Loneliness is rampant. And people everywhere point to this loneliness as reason to reject or rewrite Christianity’s teachings on marriage, sex, and gender.

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