In your pursuit of change, how’s your motivation level? For many who are trying unsuccessfully to leave unwanted sexual behaviors, low motivation is a significant problem. So how can you increase how motivated you are? With just one word. To discover if this one word can help you, you first need to ask yourself why you’re trying to change. Why are you...
Is Sin Important to Jesus?
Sin is important to Jesus, but this is misleading unless you understand why it’s important to him: Sin is important to Jesus because you are important to Jesus.
Enough of This, More of That
There are so many reasons not to look at porn. One rises above the rest.
Further Up
Desire is most powerful in the pure of heart.
Courage to Say
If you watch how my wife and I respond when our kids fess up to something they did wrong, you might think we just watched them hit a home run. God's this way, too. Here's why.
7 Practices for Quitting Porn
Porn beckons with a “risk-free” alternative to the risks of real relationship. But you can break free from porn.