Where do I resist the digital age because it’s bad and where do I resist it because it’s different?
God Loves Your Body
Where we downplay the central role of the body in human experience, we downplay the role of the body in our own relationships with God.
Merciful Refusal
Too many people have the unfortunate problem of managing quite nicely. Quite nicely is nice when all things are well, but when there’s a secret moral failure, a destructive pattern, a relational problem, or a long-buried wound, managing quite nicely is a problem. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s a silent misery. As a 19 year old Christian college student, I was harboring secret sexual sins...
Tail on Fire
Like a cat with its tail on fire, we run thinking it’s a matter of self-preservation. But nothing could be further from the truth.
More than a Lovely Fraction
Two of our most basic, human needs are this: to be known and to be loved. But something’s got many of us convinced you can’t have both. So we expend lots of energy hiding those parts of ourselves that are unlovely. And we work really hard to succeed (at business, parenting, athleticism, ministry, Bible study, you name it) because we think it will make us lovely and so, worthy of love. The sad...