



There is a serious challenge facing Christians who struggle with same-sex attractions or gender confusion in our day. Whether or not these are issues for you personally, for the sake of our brothers and sisters who do, read on. A few years ago, I read an article about a man I know who left his gay identity and gay relationships because of his Christian convictions. The article outlined how he got...

Podcast: Bored and Tempted

Bored and Tempted. Join Josh and Kit as they discuss boredom and temptation, and all of the practical ways we can go to something meaningful in those times. Highlights: …why does boredom turn into “I need to be stimulated, distracted, aroused, as opposed to rest or this thing I want to accomplish?”… …I feel more alive than I have in years because it’s hard… Click for Full Podcast Transcription...

Courage to Love

People aren’t created to lust. But many people do. Most Christians I know who struggle with lust have one of two responses: They give in to temptation or they run away. Given the option between the two, running away is better. But running away from temptation isn’t our goal. At least not if we want to become like Jesus. If we want to become like Jesus, our goal should be to no longer see people...

Courage to Say

If you watch how my wife and I respond when our kids fess up to something they did wrong, you might think we just watched them hit a home run. God's this way, too. Here's why.

Don’t Exempt Me from Waiting

Love is not love without waiting. This is why we are moved when a beautiful young woman waits faithfully for her fiancé to return home from a long journey. And why we cringe to hear of a man coming home to his beloved only to learn she’s pregnant with another man’s child. Most of us don’t think of our love for God in these terms. He’s God and his power is limitless, after all. Somehow we think...

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