The Defining Source


The age old question, Who am I? is important and fundamental to each of us. 

Who are you trusting with the answer?

Consider your sources: An internet search will give you more than 11 BILLION ideas to sift through.

Social media offers you thousands of hashtags. And libraries are spilling with books full of answers.

The world is loud with expressive individualism.

Scientific language applied to social theory has trickled its way into some churches.

As you do the work of uncovering and healing, we hope this episode encourages you to look to the One who created you as the source to define you.


Widely speaking, there is a general acceptance that who you experience yourself to be inwardly is the most important thing about who you are.

These streams of thinking that have flowed into the Church have actually infected some of the way that the Church understands what it means to be a human being.

Christianity believes that on a primal level, we are not self-defining but we have been defined by the One who created us.

God’s limits are designed to help direct you towards Him and towards you we are meant to be.


Where have I been pursuing my subjective self?

Where have I been pursuing an idea of who I might be when I need to submit myself to Jesus and say, “I am who you say I am. And, I want to find myself in You, and You alone. Where I’ve taken that pursuit into my own hands or bowed down before other idols or images, Lord, I repent of that. And I say, “I need you.”


The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.” By Carl R. Trueman


Prayer: “Lord, I see this in me. I see that I want to hold onto this. And I need your help with it. I do surrender this to you. I want to see people as people.”

Read John 21:15-19 as Jesus sees the break between he and Peter, and heals the rupture. Read Jesus’ questions again, recalling that Peter had denied Jesus three times and was now being asked three times if he loved Jesus. Read the story as an invitation for you.

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Lastly, if Becoming Whole has been a blessing in your walk with God, would you consider making a donation to our ministry?

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