

We’re asked more than we used to be where we (Regeneration) stand. I think it’s because in the past few years a number of Christian leaders have changed their views on sex and sexuality (perhaps especially regarding homosexuality).

So in answer to the question, here’s my reply:

God’s heart is that all men and women would live chastely: this means fidelity in a life-long marriage between a man and woman, abstinence until marriage for those not yet married, and celibacy for those committed to life-long singleness.

We also know how difficult living chastely can be. Many struggle with sexual addictions, others with homosexual attractions they did not choose, still others with wounds from sexual abuse, infidelity, divorce, etc.

Regeneration exists for these men and women.

We create sacred communities where people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, so those caught in cycles of sexual sin can find freedom, and those hurt by sexual sin can experience healing.

Is real change possible?
Unequivocally, yes.

What that change looks like for each person is different. For some, things that once tempted them cease to tempt them. Others have an improved ability to walk in purity even amidst ongoing temptations. Others—perhaps most—experience some combination of these two.

Central to Regeneration’s ministry are . . .

  • The incarnation. When the Word became flesh, God made clear the great value He places on our bodies.
  • The cross. Christ assumed our sin into his body and carried it to death for us.
  • The resurrection. Christ conquered sin and death so that, united with Him, we too could and would live victoriously over sin and its effects.
  • God’s Presence. The Holy Spirit lives with us, knows us, loves us (and wants us to know and love Him) that we would be empowered to live Christ-like lives.

In this light, Regeneration isn’t so much about taking a “stand” as about taking a walk alongside people who desire to journey toward wholeness, health, and purity in their relationships and sexuality. There is one Rescuer; our primary role is to help people grow in their relationship with him.

How have the cultural changes impacted Regeneration?

I feel sad when I hear of Christian leaders waffling. Particularly because of how it impacts those who are struggling with sexual issues and looking for help and hope.

I like the words of Erasmus when he wrote, “Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.”

For our part, we’re more focused on what we’re for rather than what we’re against, more committed to prayer, and more intent on helping those who want and need help.

And we’re honing in on two key groups, parents of teens and church small group leaders, and we’re creating new opportunities to help them shepherd well those in their care who are struggling sexually.

As always, if we can help you or your congregation in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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  • Thank you Josh, for standing firmly with the Lord, His love and His Truth. Healing can only come thru Him. What a marvelous and compassionate Savior we all have.

By Josh Glaser

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