What Glad Tidings Do You Ache to Hear?


When was the last time you used the word “behold” in a sentence? Behold, the pizza had arrived! Behold, I bring you the budget report! “Behold” is an archaic term, and yet according to Strong’s concordance, it is used over 1,300 times in the King James Bible.

Generally, the use of the word “behold” was to obtain one’s notice. One online commentator translated “behold” like this: “Hey you! Listen up. This is good stuff!” The Greek word for behold in Luke 2:10, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” was to call attention to something which needed apprehension. It was making a note of something having future importance.

Shepherds were among the lowest ranks of Hebrew society. They often lived in the fields with their sheep. Yet, these lowly individuals were among the first to be invited to visit our newborn King. They who had extraordinarily little, embracing a life of poverty, were to bear witness to the greatest gift to all humankind. This message declared good news bringing cheer to the hearts of these lonely men.

Those shepherds were about to witness the culmination of a long-awaited and desired promise. Spiritual hope now became a physical reality. The infinite became manifest to the finite, which would have eternal consequences. How were the lives of those shepherds changed?

In your current time of any uncertainty or struggle, what message of glad tidings would encourage your soul? What is it your heart is aching for in this very moment as you read my words? What would you desire to hear if the same angel who appeared to those desolate shepherds now came to you and said: “Behold, Joyce or Jim, I bring you glad tidings of great joy.”?

I invite you to pray the following: “Holy Spirt, I invite you into this very moment with the “behold” you desire for me to know. What do You want me to apprehend in my current season of isolation or loneliness? Amid any insecurity or fear, what glad tiding do You desire to impart to my disquieted soul?” 

I pray your heart will behold a fresh revelation from the Lord during this Advent season!

Rev Bob Ragan

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By Rev. Bob Ragan

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