From Gary:
The support I get is without compare. What He has shown me about Himself is that He loves me and desires me just as I am, even before I am able to measure up. What God has done for me through Regeneration is helped me to rediscover a passion for Him and my wife as well. Thanks for being there. I know that my marriage would not have survived without Regeneration.
From Holly:
I have learned that God will GLADLY ACCEPT my confessions of sin and start the transformation process if only I would let Him. Letting Him do this does not have to do with me believing myself to be worthy of His transformation of me, but has to do with my willingness to let go of my fear, mostly of His judgment, but also the fear that His transformation will be ineffective. . . . He has taught me how to deal with fear and how to be courageous.
From Angela:
The special Living Waters session was one of the most profound mornings of my life.
From Stanton:
What I’ve been learning is that this thing is hopeless without the intervention of Jesus Christ. I am in awe of the grace and the patience that God extends to me. I also discovered that my battle with depression was in part a spiritual warfare issue.
From James:
I thought I was gay because I was raped by a man and the physical contact felt good. I prayed daily to have this affliction removed but since it continued I believed the God had rejected me or was punishing me. I became tormented daily by self-doubt, shame, guilt and low self-esteem. The only thing that made life bearable was sexual fantasy, pornography and masturbation. I ended up going back and forth between having sexual relationships with women and men every other year. A chain of events brought me to Regeneration. I started early this year in Rescue which brought me deeper into trusting Christ and that the Cross would heal my deepest wounds. My life was transformed. Now my life as a Christian is full of hope, faith and love. I now believe in my heart that God the Father truly loves me. Today, Living Waters continues to provide a safe non-shaming intimate atmosphere to reveal my emotional wounds to the Lord for healing. Knowing that God isn’t angry or disappointed in me creates an atmosphere where I can freely turn my burdens over to Jesus, and trust Him to take care of them. He desires to see me healed and restored to wholeness.
From a Living Waters Leader:
This ministry never gets stale! The same lessons are never the same. Repeated teachings are never repeated. Even when we show up tired, preoccupied, distracted or discouraged, the Lord does His work. Yesterday was no exception. . . I think the participants were surprised: Surprised at the intimacy of the message; surprised at the depth of the worship and prayer; surprised at the reality of the cross; surprised at the realization that “God really does care for me!”
From a Mercy That Heals Attendee:
I was struck by the powerful teaching on the church and was very thankful for all the prayers, especially those to heal wounds caused by the church.
From Kim:
I thought I was taking this 8-week course as general maintenance. Fortunately for me, Jesus touched me deeply as we met at the Well. He showed me that where I thought my posture had been that of an intercessory prayer warrior, it had actually been that of a frightened child trying to protect herself. I repented of the sins of self-protection and withholding my heart from Jesus, renounced fear, and entered into a deeper intimacy with Jesus and others.
From Julio:
Regeneration started me down the road to recovery, helped me to begin growing in my true identity, taught me about genuine masculinity, provided me with an awesome band of brothers, true friends. I expect to keep in touch with and develop my relationships with these men. Priceless!
From Evelyn, Mercy That Heals Attendee:
My husband and I were both intrigued by the theology of the body session and would love to learn more. I confess that I have ignored teachings of the pope . . . but I need to re-examine some of my thinking in that and learn more about the theology of the body.
From Patrice:
I was amazed to feel how strongly the Holy Spirit’s presence was every week at Women at the Well. He would continue to meet me week after week after week. He never missed a meeting! And for that I am so grateful.