About Us

About Us

We’re people. Men and women. Some of us are married. Some are single. Some of us have struggled with sexual sin. Some of us have experienced divorce. Some of us have had same-sex attractions.

Some of us have treated others like objects and some of us have been treated like objects. Some of us were abused. All of us have sinned and been wounded by sin.

We’ve seen miracles and we yet wait for miracles. We’ve been healed and we’re yet healing. We’ve been freed from sin and we yet seek freedom from sin.

But what binds us together most is we are all people who have experienced the deep, transforming love of Jesus Christ, who are finding our truest identities in Him, and who are learning to love like He does.

We’d be honored for you to join us.

Mission Statement

Regeneration equips men, women, and families to learn and live God’s good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality.

We do this in partnership with the local church through helping people deepen their union with Jesus Christ, grow in relational wholeness, heal from brokenness, and walk in sexual integrity.

To that end, we provide one-to-one spiritual coaching and healing prayer, programs and support groups, conferences and events, trainings, and online and written resources.

Regeneration Statement of Faith

  1. We believe in the one, holy, triune God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. As such, Jesus is fully God and fully man, coeternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe Jesus Christ lived a sinless life in perfect faithfulness to the Father, demonstrating his love for humankind by dying on the cross to pay the penalty for the judgment due sinners.
  4. We believe Jesus was bodily raised from the dead on the third day and bodily ascended to heaven as our High Priest, Lord, Savior, and Victor over all Powers.
  5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, coeternal with the Father and the Son. He indwells all believers giving new life, the fruit of obedience through faith, and the power to minister in the ways of Jesus.
  6. We believe in the divine inspiration, trustworthiness, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible.
  7. We believe in the value and dignity of all people, created male and female in the image of God to live in love with God and each other. Accordingly, God designed marriage to be an exclusive union between a husband and wife, and sexual intimacy is reserved for this sacred union alone.
  8. We believe all humanity sinned and fell, incurring God’s just wrath, and experiencing alienation resulting in spiritual and physical death.
  9. We believe in justification by God’s grace for all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
  10. We believe all Christian believers are filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit and are children of God. We Believe in the unity of all believers in Jesus Christ, manifested in biblically faithful worshiping and witnessing churches who are making disciples of all nations.
  11. We believe in the victorious reign and future bodily return of Jesus Christ, who will judge all people with justice and mercy, giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation but raising the redeemed bodily into eternal life.
  12. We believe that the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds accurately summarize the Christian Faith.


Confidentiality is faithfully respected in all of Regeneration’s services, in accordance with Regeneration’s Confidentiality Policy.

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