Whether you’ve been escaping to porn, engaged in an affair, experiencing unwanted sexual attractions, or trying to navigate a broken marriage, coaching can be a powerful next step on your journey toward becoming more whole.
Regeneration’s spiritual coaching provides Christ-centered, biblically-based, and clinically grounded help so you can improve your relationships, increase your intimacy with God, and walk in sexual integrity.
Our coaching approach helps you uncover the things that are keeping you stuck, so you can walk into the future with greater freedom, joy, and courage. Avoiding or ignoring our shame and weaknesses just makes things worse in the long run.
Coaching is a one-to-one relationship that supports you in becoming curious about your struggles, acknowledging your wounds, identifying sources of resilience, and discerning the movements of God in your life. Ultimately, coaching is about you becoming more the man God designed you to be.
Whatever you are struggling with, we are here to help. Call or set up an appointment today.
James has a desire to help men as they seek more healing from Jesus; to be the men they are created to be. He specializes in working with young men struggling with pornography and other unwanted sexual behaviors. More about James.
Jamon is a faithful Teaching Elder and Spiritual Leadership Coach with a passion for helping individuals reach their spiritual potential, and experience personal transformation in their thoughts, feelings, and habits. More about Jamon.
Aaron specializes in assisting men to courageously step into their story, by weaving in healing prayer to his one-to-one and group coaching, helping men in their journey to overcome unwanted sexual behavior. More about Aaron.
Josh has served on Regeneration’s staff team since 1999 and as its Executive Director since 2006. He is the creator of Awaken: Strength, Heart, Mind, and Body–a robust, year-round course for men seeking deeper union with Jesus as their way to sexual integrity. More about Josh
Equipping men to learn and live God’s good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality.
“Through Regen’s coaching I have experienced God addressing deeper wounds in my life and came to understand my struggle with pornography as the symptom rather than the problem.”
“I came to Regen for coaching due to struggles with SSA. I am now able to be honest about my struggles and am learning to experience less self-contempt and shame and learning to embrace what is most true about myself as a child of God.”
Due to the trauma, I’ve experienced, along with emotional abuse, I found Regen. Through Coaching you have helped me learn to hold my head high. While I am not where I desire to be, I am in a much better place than I once was.