
Alan Medinger


When is Recovery Over?

Several years ago a healing conference was being held in a nearby state, and most of the Regeneration staff planned to attend. When a staff member asked if I was going to be there, I replied, “No, I don’t need healing.” Admittedly, I was being a bit facetious. I knew that my response appeared somewhat arrogant—carrying the implication that I believed I was totally healed. But in fact, there was...

Sexual Sin is Never Just a Private Matter

Our sexual sins hurt the entire Body of Christ. Most of us recognize that when we engage in sexual sin with another person—even a very willing one—we have hurt that person by helping to facilitate their sin. Is sexual fantasy a sin? But even our “solitary” sins, such as sexual fantasy or lusting in front of a computer screen, do damage beyond just the corruption that takes place in our own souls...

A Revolutionary Teaching on Sexuality

Today, except for books on marriage, most (if not all) Christian resources dealing with sex and sexuality are written to address the problems of sexual sin in order to help people break free from them. In our ministry we are all too aware how pervasive these problems are, and so nearly every day we are recommending one or more of these excellent resources to those who struggle with sexual sin...

Is Anyone Ever Totally Healed?

Many, many times I have heard this question, “Is anyone ever totally healed from homosexuality?” Generally it comes from friendly sources, not from those who oppose what we do. Typically, it comes from someone who himself or herself is struggling with homosexuality, and has not achieved the level of healing or growth that he or she had hoped for. Is anyone ever totally healed from homosexuality...

Living Beyond the Law

As a man who has dealt with habitual sexual sin, and as one who has ministered to hundreds of men and women living in the grip of sex addiction, these passages from Romans, the one at the top of the page from Galatians, and others like them, have perplexed me. Theologically, and logically, what does it mean to say that we are no longer under the law, or going further, what does it mean that the...

Emotional Longing in Men

We have long recognized that the homosexual drive is not, at its root, sexual. The drive gains its direction and power from certain things inside a person, in many cases unmet needs or fears. Not always, but most often, in men it is an unmet need or a deficit, and in women, it is a fear. This article will deal solely with male homosexuality because I am going to discuss an unmet need that comes...

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