
Intimacy and Identity


Come Clean

It’s in our stories, movies, and legends. In Shakespeare’s MacBeth, Edgar Allan Poe’s Telltale Heart, Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. We feel it in our bones. It’s in our DNA. When we’re guilty, we desperately want to come clean. Can you relate? Maybe you have a loved one who is struggling against being honest with her sin. Maybe you’re carrying something from your past that you’ve never told...

Knowing Him

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~ Ephesians 6:12 If you are anything like me, you may have read a particular passage of Scripture several times in the course of your life; then one day you read it again, and it’s as if you see it...

Put On Your Shoes

What you do doesn’t have the authority to make you who you are. But it does have the power to give you its opinion about who you are. This is one of the reasons growing in sexual integrity can be so difficult. You want to do better, but your experience tells you that you won’t: Your past behavior tells you you’re an adulterer. The second look you took at the guy at the pool...

Created for More

Knowing what you’re living for is always more powerful than knowing what you’re living against. Most Christians don’t seem to know this or live this way. They might say they’re living “for God,” but press them further and they may not be able to define what that means.. I’m increasingly aware of how important this is in the area of sexuality. Culturally, Christians have lost their voice because...

Humdrum Love

I love new music. When I’m introduced to a new song I like, it finds its way onto every playlist I make for the next several months. Then at some point, I press play and find these young, spry songs have become worn, predictable ones. This can happen in the realm of words, too. Words that once stirred or inspired us can, over time, become tired and formulaic. We end up skipping over them without...

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