


A Condition Rooted in Fear

Fear is a key factor in the development of both male and female homosexuality. It follows then that overcoming fear is a key factor in gaining freedom from homosexuality. Specifically, the fear found so often in the male homosexual condition is the fear of being a man, and the fear found so often in the female homosexual condition is the fear of being a woman. In a fallen world, it is common to...

The Prison of Self-Protection

“They can’t hurt me. Nobody can hurt me.” I don’t know how old I was when I spoke those words to myself—maybe five or six—but they were powerful words, ones that would guide my life for the next thirty years. Partly reacting to my father’s ongoing battle with deep depression, I spoke those words one night as I listened to my parents fight verbally with each other. The words reflected a...

Our Secret Weapon: The Will

Some years ago at a conference, my wife, Willa, was addressing a group of wives whose husbands were dealing with homosexuality. She was discussing all of the wrong things that wives in their situation are prone to do: enabling, denial, co-dependency, protecting their husbands from the consequences of their sin, and so forth. She could see the heads nod as the women recognized their various...

Called to Strive

Striving! The word does not have a pleasant connotation. It brings to my mind several other words that convey equally unattractive concepts: stress, strain, struggle. For the Christian, the concept seems to belong to the realm of law rather than to that of grace, and it is grace to which we are called. In worldly terms, we think of striving for money, success, or power— goals that seldom bring...

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