


Merciful Refusal

Too many people have the unfortunate problem of managing quite nicely. Quite nicely is nice when all things are well, but when there’s a secret moral failure, a destructive pattern, a relational problem, or a long-buried wound, managing quite nicely is a problem. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s a silent misery. As a 19 year old Christian college student, I was harboring secret sexual sins...


We’re creatures of habit. We conform to what’s normal around us. God made us that way, and it’s a good thing. It’s why you can turn on a light switch, walk across the room, read a book, and eat spaghetti without getting it all over your face (well, most of you). It’s how you build muscle, gain wisdom, and grow in character. We adjust to that which is–or that which we make–our regular...


This time of year can have an inebriating effect on me. I don’t at all mean inebriating in the good sense of the word. Not the exhilarating, coming back alive sense that so many seem to experience as Christmas approaches. For me, it’s like my senses start to dull and the season turns into more of a slumber than a celebration. It’s not because I dislike Christmas. (Heck, I see Christmas...

Wait Quickly

I eat too fast. Drive too fast. Work too much. And expect too much of movies. I partly think it’s because deep inside I struggle to trust there will be enough for me. And so I grasp to make sure there is. This was also why I ran so hard for so many years after pornography and other illicit sexual connections. So it is with all of us every time we say ‘no’ to God and His Word and ‘yes’ to sinful...

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