


The Legacy of Alan Medinger

by Josh Glaser, Executive Director There are few occasions in life that compel us to stop and consider—really consider—the brief life we’re living. Am I living my life well? Of all that I spend my time doing, how much is really making a difference for good in others’ lives? How much of what I’ve done is weighty enough to last through this age and into the age to come? Do I love like Jesus...

Is Anyone Ever Totally Healed?

Many, many times I have heard this question, “Is anyone ever totally healed from homosexuality?” Generally it comes from friendly sources, not from those who oppose what we do. Typically, it comes from someone who himself or herself is struggling with homosexuality, and has not achieved the level of healing or growth that he or she had hoped for. Is anyone ever totally healed from homosexuality...

The Prison of Self-Protection

“They can’t hurt me. Nobody can hurt me.” I don’t know how old I was when I spoke those words to myself—maybe five or six—but they were powerful words, ones that would guide my life for the next thirty years. Partly reacting to my father’s ongoing battle with deep depression, I spoke those words one night as I listened to my parents fight verbally with each other. The words reflected a...

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