HELP FOR Women Struggling With Porn

What’s wrong with me? That’s the question a lot of women wrestling with porn & masturbation ask themselves. While both men and women struggle with this habit, women tend to isolate and silence their struggle leading to a heavy load of shame. Working with a spiritual coach can help you give voice to your struggle alongside a partner encouraging you towards sexual integrity.


Discover What’s Broken

discover what's broken

Engage your story

engage your story

Become more whole

become more whole

Regeneration Ministries offers Christ-centered, biblically-based, and clinically grounded help. Time with your spiritual coach offers safe space for you as you improve your relationships, increase your intimacy with God and learn to walk in sexual integrity.

What makes our approach different? Our coaching helps you uncover where you feel stuck, so you can walk with greater freedom, joy, and courage. Avoiding or ignoring your shame and weaknesses can hold you back.

Coaching is a sacred one-to-one relationship that supports you in becoming curious about your struggles, acknowledging your wounds, identifying sources of resilience, and discerning the movements of God in your life. Ultimately, coaching is about you becoming more the woman God designed you to be.

Whatever you are struggling with, we are here to help. Call or set up an appointment today.

Your Journey to Sexual Integrity begins Today!

Coaching does…

  • Provide the space to Discover What’s Broken.
  • Prompt you to Engage your Story.
  • Take steps towards Becoming more Whole.
  • Honor you + your story.
  • Helps wives heal after infidelity.
  • Help you draw closer to God.
  • Teach you how to look back so you can move forward.
  • Create space to hear from the Lord.
  • Teach you to face your fantasies rather than fear them.
  • Allow you to feel seen and heard.
  • Help you discover God’s care in the midst of difficulties.
  • Equip you to respond to temptation by listening instead of lusting.
  • Invites you on a journey of seeing in new ways.
  • Provide recommendations for further reading or outside help.
  • Provide scholarships for those in need.

Coaching does not…

  • Provide mental health counseling/therapy.
  • Give you a quick fix.
  • Deliver a formula that works for all situations.
  • Do the hard work for you.
  • Give you a list of rules to follow.
  • Take insurance
Book Your FREE Session Now →


Equipping men to learn and live God’s good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality.

“Pornography is still a temptation but it doesn’t own me anymore. I’m faithful to continue in my healing journey and am finding a sense of identity in who I really am in Christ. I have learned to forgive myself and others all while navigating life by staying close to God and learning to trust Him more all the time.”


“Struggling with same-sex attraction most of my life, and being part of Christian circles that unknowingly added to the shame and trauma, I found Regen. Through Coaching you have helped me learn to hold my head high. While I am not where I desire to be, I am in a much better place than I once was.”


“In my despair and loneliness, I eventually began acting out sexually with men. Although I knew it wasn’t what I really wanted or what God wanted for me, I found it hard to stop. Through involvement in Regeneration, I have been learning to receive God’s forgiveness and to embrace His love for me.”


Meet our amazing coaches.

Andrea Smithberger

Andrea specializes in working with women to embrace inherent belovedness and wholeness.  She is intimately familiar with pain and suffering as well as deep, full healing. More about Andrea.

Kyle Bowman

Kyle has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and a certificate in Biblical Studies. She is a Certified Guide for Jay Stringer’s Unwanted. Kyle specializes in the areas of unwanted sexual behavior, singleness, intimacy and desire. More about Kyle.

Anne Donohue

Anne has over 30 years of ministry experience and has been with Regeneration since 2013. Anne’s heart is to bring tangible healing to those suffering from betrayal trauma as well as other areas of brokenness, and Anne is trained in APSATS MPTM & BTRL. More about Anne.

Kit Elmer

Kit’s calling is to meet with people, care for them as they are, and listen for God in the moment. She has a Masters Degree in Counseling and has worked with Regeneration since 2014. More about Kit.

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