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From Lustful Gaze to Awe and Reverence

ABOUT THE EPISODE Do you ever feel like lust and pornography are taking over your life, and you can’t break free from their grasp? What if I told you that lust isn’t the real issue at hand, but rather our inability to truly see the world and the people around us? In this eye-opening episode, I share a powerful story from the memoir “The Glass Castle” that illustrates this...

Stop Trying to Stop Lusting

Have you ever wanted to stop something so badly, yet couldn’t figure out how to stop. Or even why? Have you tried to stop lusting? In this weeks podcast, just speaks to the importance of learning to love in recovery from unwanted sexual behavior, rather than just focusing on stopping the behavior. Key takeaways: The goal of recovery should be to learn to love in a self-giving way, rather...

The Definition of Lust

Simple question: When you lust, what are you doing really?  On a surface level, when you lust you’re checking someone out, letting your eyes linger, or enjoying a little hit of pleasure by viewing a sexy image.  On a deeper level, when we’re honest, we can define lust like this: Lust is using another person’s body for selfish sexual gratification.  I like this Definition of Lust...

Lust Has a Cure

Today, I invite you into the healing connection between our wrestling with lust, and the face of Jesus; his visible face.  As a parent, especially a mom, you intimately knew your child when you were pregnant. You carried the child in your womb. Even dads know their kids while they are in the womb.  And then they were born. We saw their face for the first time, and everything changed...

Is a Woman Responsible for a Man’s Lust?

Women have been blamed for men’s lusts for a long time. But Is a Woman Responsible for a Man’s Lust? Both men and women struggle with lust. But both sexes do not experience responsibility for their lusts in the same way. What I mean is that when a man lusts, he may blame his actions on what a woman is wearing or doing. This has been promulgated by the culture at large, including, I’m...

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