
Matthew Snider


Easter: Redeeming Reunion

Journaling, Fasting, Denying, Confessing, Releasing, Praying – Becoming Whole is a process. For Jesus, because of you, it is a process worth dying for. Friends, we have arrived at the end of Lent, which brings the beginning of a new Hope. While the world is grabbing at your sexuality to pull it away from your spirituality, Jesus is breaking through the grave to make you whole again. You are...

Not My Will

It’s striking to consider Jesus’ will being apart or different than God the Father’s will. After all, He came to do the will of the Father. That’s how Jesus lived His life on earth to the end. And yet, in the last days, Jesus exposes a gap. He exposes it through a desperate cry out to his Abba – “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.”...

A Pledge for Your Body

Have you noticed? There are invitations for each distinct part of you in these recent episodes of “Becoming Whole.”Our hope is you’ll say yes to the invitations and incorporate all of you into this meaningful season of Lent:  Whether it’s through Confession widening awareness for your heart or Meditation as it transforms your mind.Now, as you listen, allow your body to move through a...

The Life in Confession

Lent invites you to take a longer look at Jesus on the Cross. This season, we invite you take time to consider Confession as a way to fully understand the choices you are making. Naming and owning your sin is uncomfortable (and that’s putting it lightly). But as you’ll hear, confessing sin plays a vital role to your relationship with God.  Before we get started, let’s pray: “Lord, I confess I...

A Lenten Meditation

Friends, this is our 200th episode! That’s 200 conversations and teachings we hope have accompanied, encouraged, and equipped you on your journey to Becoming Whole. At Regeneration Ministries, we believe the trial you’re struggling with can serve as a holy invitation from God to know Him more deeply.  While these episodes aren’t meant to be substitutes for coaching, they can certainly...

Freedom through Fasting

If you accept the invitation, Lent can be so much more than a countdown to Easter. It is a season steeped in rich tradition. Fasting is one way to observe Jesus’ walk to the cross. But this tradition goes beyond depriving yourself of food or alcohol. Specifically, for you, as you journey to sexual integrity, fasting can be a powerful way to grow in self-control. What initially feels like denying...

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