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Gold for Stones

The good news doesn’t start with people as sinners with whom God is angry. It starts in the beginning. And if we miss this, the good news will fail to be good news. In the beginning, God made man and woman to be the Imago Dei—the image of God on the earth. By God’s design, all of creation recognized them with joyful awe. They were the ones the Creator had joyfully made like Himself. Or as John...


In my experience, all the stories we love most have some element of impossibility. A battle that can't be won, a relationship that just won't work, an opponent that can't be beat, a problem that can't be solved, a foe too powerful to overcome. An then...something happens..

Fork in the Road

If you’ve sought major change in any area of your life, you may have become disappointed to discover that God’s priorities for bringing about change are often different than our own. You may come to him seeking freedom from pornography, wanting to be rid of your insecurity, hoping for a noticeable shift in your sexual desires, needing your broken heart healed, or pleading for a restored...

Ashamed and Shameless

Without a sense of how to become free from shame, we’re living in a culture settling for shamelessness instead. It’s a poor substitute. To be shame-free means shame no longer has any hold on you—it doesn’t interfere with how you hear others, doesn’t muddy your relationships, doesn’t challenge the decisions you need to make, doesn’t shape the way you perceive yourself, and doesn’t influence how...


Shame hurts. And when you’ve done something wrong, that’s a good thing. Like all pain, it’s meant to tell you something’s amiss and needs attention. When a splinter enters a person’s hand, pain sensors alert the person that there’s a problem by making the hand hurt. When the splinter’s removed, the wound is cleaned, and the cells regenerate, the hand no longer hurts. Likewise, when shame is...

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