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Grief, and Letting Go of Sin.

Imagine for a moment you know someone whose loved one died a sudden death. When your friend got the news, she didn’t shed a tear. In fact, she acted like everything was fine. She also didn’t go to the funeral, and she never so much as whispered a “goodbye” to her loved one. If this were a real friend of yours, you’d assume she was in denial and you’d wonder how long until she’d break down. Though...

Podcast: Grieving our Expectations

Grieving isn’t just done at funerals, it can also be a helpful part of Parenting, Singleness, Marriage, sometimes even our sex lives. Join Josh and Kit as they discuss expectations and grief. Unearthing where our expectations are too high, identifying things not in our control, and grieving what we didn’t even know we expect from ourselves, others and God. Resources:Ruth Haley Barton...

How to Setup Screen Time for Your Kids

Kids these days are growing up as digital natives, and that presents parents with a new world to lean into. We don’t understand it and it feels new and foreign to us all. Using the line “I used to be your age, I know what you are going through” is no longer a truth we can parent by. Below we will teach you How to Setup Screen Time for Your Kids. Times are changing and so should...

Are You Motivated by Godliness…or Shame?

Imagine for a moment you’re walking home one day and you happen upon a scuffle on the street. A smaller man appears to be fending off a big man who is trying to steal his wallet. Being the good person you are and feeling particularly brave that day, you jump in and wrestle the thief to the ground while the other man recovers the stolen wallet. Wallet in hand, the smaller man pats you on the...

Don’t Should or Ought on yourself!

We all have played the self-hatred game. The evil one takes pride in watching us volley the hate back and forth at ourselves. Yet God speaks words of truth over us from the very beginning. Join Josh & his guests for a conversation about the importance of uncovering self-hatred and the great value of self-acceptance. Guests: Kit Elmer and James Craig Resources: Repent and Believe – Daily...

Five Tips for Parenting in a Digital Age

When I was a kid, we imagined life in the 21st century would include huge upgrades in technology like space travel, jet packs, laser guns, and robot servants. We imagined a coming space age, but the 21st century our kids are actually growing up in isn’t so much a space age, it’s a digital age. Life didn’t so much move to the stars as it did to our screens. Don’t get me wrong, the digital age is...

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