


Your Invitation this Lent

As we step into the season of Lent, maybe you’re feeling a sense of somberness.  That’s understandable considering Lent walks us through Jesus’ journey to the cross. It also walks us to a confrontation with our own sin. On this episode of “Becoming Whole”, listen in as Josh juxtaposes Simon’s first meeting with Jesus and his last.  There’s an invitation within this season and the two stories of...

The Father’s Response

We’re taking your battle with sexual addiction deep into a familiar story and see The Father’s Response! While you may have heard the parable of the Prodigal Son before, this time try listening with your eyes closed and heart open to see where you fit in. As the story highlights the different paths two sons will take, allow it to draw a picture of how you may be relating to God the Father...

Beyond Your Imagination

When you hear the word “imagination,” chances are you’ll put it in one of two boxes- it’s either child’s play or a path to deviance. For a moment, let’s re-imagine imagination. There is great power in this tool. What if we view our mind’s ability to be creative as a positive not a negative?  This episode will challenge you to push past the idea that your imagination is a mere tool for daydreaming...

Gay or Same-Sex Attracted – The Words Matter

We’re weighing in on a continuing conversation of language because the words matter. Join us as Josh unpacks the terms “Gay Christian” and “Christian with Same Sex Attraction.” Followers of Jesus who hold a traditional view of God’s design for sexuality, can split when it comes to the wording. We’ll explore how language elevates orientation to the same status as belief in Jesus. We are beloved...

The Fruit of a Tree and Sexual Brokenness

You’ve probably heard it said here before that breaking a habit of unwanted sexual behaviors goes beyond “Behavior Management.” Setting up filters or throwing away devices might eliminate the cues to your addiction, but it still leaves you exposed. There’s deeper work to be done. Ultimately, to change your behavior you need to understand the why’s to your behavior. The actions you choose are...

Powerful Partnership: Do’s and Don’ts

The term “Accountability Partner” can carry a high cringe factor.  Yes, they are meant for good – offering space to confess to one another, to pray with one another, to hope for the best for each other.But, if not handled well, Accountability Partners can cause more harm than good.The enemy would love nothing more than for you and your partner to focus on your behavior, smother you in shame...

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