


Podcast: Sexual Sin Is a Squatter

Episode 69 – Sexual Sin Is a Squatter Join Josh and Kit as they discuss Connection, Power, and Meaning and how we go to sexual sin (and others) when our truest needs aren’t met. Highlights: I think one of the areas that’s neglected for a lot of people has to do with emptiness. there’s been research that shows the older a man gets actually the fewer and fewer friendships...

Podcast: Impact of the Family You Grew up in and Your Present-Day Struggles

Episode 68 – Impact of the Family You Grew up in and Your Present-Day Struggles Join Josh and Kit as they unpack the impact of the families we grew up with and how they can tie into our present-day struggles. Highlights: “The first key childhood driver of unwanted sexual behavior is having a family system that was characterized as rigid and/or disengaged.” I’ve talked to...

Stop Trying to Cook without Food

Have you been trying to apply spiritual disciplines to work your way out of a sinful habit? I know so many people who dive headlong into doing Christian things in hopes of overcoming an area of sin, only to be disappointed again and again. Jan committed herself to memorizing a new Scripture verse each week to help remind her of the truth and keep her from falling into sexual temptation again with...

Your Kids’ Future and Your Past

With five kids of my own and countless conversations with parents everywhere, two things have become clear to me as a dad seeking to raise kids in a digitally-connected, porn-saturated culture: First, no one has a perfect road map or a 3-step method, for parenting in our day. Not even the Bible—as absolutely central and essential as it is—offers a one-size fit all list of instructions for how to...

How Does God Restore Sexuality?

When I was 22, I remember walking alone across my college campus late at night, ashamed and angry. I looked up at the stars and prayed out loud, “God, I know you love me, and I love you. I also know you hate what I’m doing and I hate it too. So why won’t you change me!?” I’d been viewing pornography again, and sexual sin in my life was something I both hated and loved. I’d read books, tried...

Merciful Hunger

You should see the way I look at a menu. It’s ridiculous. I peruse the whole thing, narrow down my options, then narrow those down again, then go back and forth weighing the remaining options. I think about calories, calculate cost, try to predict how I’ll feel when I’m done, and consider how likely I am to find each dish again anytime soon. Sheesh, you’d think I was selecting someone to raise my...

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