


Sexual Integrity Starts with Who You Are

Is sexual integrity something you aspire to? If so, find an old-fashioned clock. When does a clock most exhibit integrity? You might be tempted to think it’s when the clock is telling the correct time, but that’s not it. Even a stopped clock will tell the right time twice a day. Sexual Integrity Integrity is not first and foremost what you do, it is who you are. Integrity means oneness...

What Billie Eilish Didn’t Say

Recently, Billie Eilish, talked on the Howard Stern show about her negative experiences with pornography. The 19-year-old singer of Bad Guy said she was first exposed to pornography at age 11, and that it “destroyed [her] brain.” She said the violent and abusive porn she watched gave her night terrors, and that when she became sexually active, she didn’t say no to things that she really didn’t...

Was Porn Your Teacher?

God’s design for sex includes your questions and desires and hopes. But, if pornography was your sex-ed teacher, you absorbed imagery and ideas that changed your brain. On top of that, your heart is probably holding onto shame too.  We live in a world where pornography is literally at our fingertips. If you started watching it as a kid, we hope the message is clear for you to stop blaming...

Laying Down the Ideal Christmas (for Something Better)

What does your ideal Christmas look like, and, more importantly, is it? We all have our ideas of what the perfect Christmas looks like, and usually this time of year, we strive to get as close to that ideal as possible. We clean the house, board our flights, schedule time, buy and wrap gifts, decorate, prepare food, turn on music, watch classic movies, and we hope that nothing messes up our...

A Christ-like Christmas

We’re moving closer to Christmas. Ironically, this is about the time when ads and expectations and schedules pull us further from Christ. For sure, there is an abundance to this season but not in the commercial way you may be thinking. Strip away the fussy garland and the must-have linens and the coordinated outfits. Let’s listen for the call to you and me; inviting us to a more Christ-like...

What Are You Waiting For? (And Why It Matters.)

I lament the number of Christians who are faltering, compromising, and walking away from the faith because of concerns related to Christianity’s views on sex and sexuality. I think one of the biggest reasons has to do with our individual and collective struggle with waiting. Advent means beginning. We often think of Christmas as the end of our waiting. But that’s not exactly true, is it? Yes, the...

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