



Desire is one of those touchy subjects no one really wants to touch. But we’re going there. Depending on the way you were raised; you might consider desire to be mysterious or dirty or something to be quiet about. In this audio snippet from our latest video, Kit and Rebecca are putting the subject of desire front and center. That deep down longing is part of your special wiring and it is worth...

The Earthquake of Sexual Betrayal

Infidelity can feel as crushing and disorienting as an earthquake. Sexual Betrayal is trauma. To help us navigate the aftershocks of discovery and pain; we’ve invited Dr. Barbara Steffens to the podcast. The Earthquake of Sexual Betrayal. As the founder of the APSATS, the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists, Dr. Steffens points out this is more than relationship counseling...

Why Purity Culture Misses the Mark

Recent events have lit up news and social media feeds with concerns about the mess that “purity culture” has made of people’s perceptions of sex. I don’t know enough about what does and doesn’t constitute “purity culture” to address that formally here, but I do know that many Christians have approached the topics of sex, desire, and marriage in ways that may be well-meaning, but in the end...

Looking At Sex in a New Way

Calling all husbands and wives – “Does Your Marriage Need a Different Sexual Lens?” Josh recently shared this question through a thoughtful article on the Regeneration Ministries website. And today, Josh and Kit are unpacking what it means so you can experience sex in a better way with your spouse. Our culture tends to put expectations sex – what it should look like, what you should...

At the End of You

If you are saying “I can’t handle this. I can’t control this. I don’t have answers.” It sounds like you may be at the end of you.  How do you get from there to admitting, “It’s okay that I’m not okay.” There’s a lot of work involved. That “at the end of you” feeling coupled with ongoing recovery work towards sexual integrity or for saving your marriage can feel overwhelming. We pray this...

We Are All Searching For Meaning

We Are All Searching For Meaning. Right now, let’s take notice. For this next half hour together, let’s be aware of that need deep inside you. And this time, let’s promise to not look away but to be present and understanding because you are a person of great worth. Your habit of turning to pornography or hooking up is more than an unwanted sexual behavior. That pattern in your life is connected...

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