


Yes Sex

For anyone wanting to love well, learning to say ‘no’ to sexual urges is a must. Just as important, though, is learning to say ‘yes’. If you were to poll random people on the street what they think Christians believe about sex, I’d wager most people would begin with what they understand Christians are against. They’d bring up Christianity’s prohibition against sex before marriage, homosexual sex...

Thieves, a Review

This thought-provoking and powerful blog was posted a year ago today. To view the original post, and read the comments, click here. God knows life hurts sometimes. This is reality in a world that’s fallen. Jesus’ forewarning that “in this life you will have trouble” (John 16:33) was certainly about more than traffic jams and tax increases. It hurts when your marriage isn’t holding together, when...

Temptation and Soul-Care, a Review

This thought-provoking and powerful blog was posted a year ago today. To view the original post, and read the comments, click here. Question for you: how are you caring for your soul these days? Underneath whatever persistent temptations you’re experiencing you have a God-given need for something—something good, clean, and life-giving. A friend of mine recently visited Haiti. One morning, he saw...

Being Human: a Story of Sexual Liberation

The story of sex — the real story, not the debased version the culture is selling — is so significant it has the power to change how we think about ourselves…and how we relate to God. It is one of the most misunderstood narratives today. To understand this, we must understand our creation. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and...

Different Ways

There are two primary courses offered to life in the full.  The enemy (the world, the flesh, and the devil) has a way.  And God has a way. Both include death. Sin’s way, the enemy’s way is life now, death later.  Or we might write it this way:  Sin’s way is “life” now, death later.  We know this from experience with our sexual sin.  We indulge, enjoying the “life,” the thrill, the adrenaline, the...

Drawn to Intimacy and Identity

Can you explain why you are drawn to the form of a woman or the form of a man?  Beyond the specifics of what aspect of the body attracts you, have you ever considered why? At the core, the stirring is because sex, gender, and sexuality are profoundly linked to intimacy and identity.  They are profoundly linked to the true Goodness for which we’re made. Sexual imagery has power because...

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